Pubg how to uninstall reshade
Pubg how to uninstall reshade

pubg how to uninstall reshade
  1. Pubg how to uninstall reshade .dll#
  2. Pubg how to uninstall reshade plus#

  • You may also want to set up your toggle key options and assign keys to your plugins if you wish to enable or disable them on the fly, I would recommend just using the numpad keys.
  • You can also fiddle with the other plugins you selected earlier here as well.)
  • Double click on Strength under Technicolor 2 and adjust to 0.500 (If you selected this setting earlier that is.
  • At the bottom collapse the Adaptive Sharpen window.
  • Pubg how to uninstall reshade plus#

    Once that's done, click the plus icon on the top right under Home to create a new profile and create a name for it.If you wish, go through the quick user interface tutorial.Start up PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS.Clarity.fx (This also aims to add sharper/clearer visuals, and once again, I'd only recommend using this and maybe LumaSharpen.fx or AdaptiveSharpen.fx).LumaSharpen.fx (This will also sharpen the image, I only recommend using this or AdaptiveSharpen.fx, not both at the same time as too much sharpening may just ruin the image.Vibrance.fx (Once again, this will give you a much brighter more vibrant color pallet).Other potential plugins you may want to use or try. Technicolor2.fx (This will give you a more vibrant less saturated colour pallet.).

    Pubg how to uninstall reshade .dll#

    dll file by itself is actually enough to remove ReShade unless it was added by the Mediator tool as I believe that program creates a link in some way so it has to be uninstalled by the same program if I understand it correctly.

  • HDR.fx (This will make the game over all more bright and depending on your monitor, give you a better colour range.) log can be removed as well, only removing the dxgi / d3d11.
  • AdaptiveSharpen.fx (This will essentially sharpen the games visuals and make them less blurry.).
  • From here you can select which settings you prefer, but I'll list my recommended settings.
  • Click “Uncheck All” on the list of shaders.
  • Once prompted “Do you wish to download a collection of standard effect from ” - reply yes.
  • Select your rendering API, in most cases you'll wanna select Direct 3D 10+ or OpenGL.
  • pubg how to uninstall reshade

    Most people will find it by following this default path: C-Drive > Program Files > Steam > SteamApps > common > PUBG > TslGame > Binaries > Win64 > Tslgame.exe First up and most obvious, you'll want to download ReShade and begin installing it.

    Pubg how to uninstall reshade